Fresh-Made Pancakes For a Great Cause.
See how your community can benefit from a pancake breakfast!
Our Krusteaz® Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser Program helps you bring people together for a great cause over light and fluffy pancakes. To make your donations go further, we’ll refund up to 50% of the purchase price for pancake mix used for your event*.
Get 50% off the purchase price of Krusteaz® Pancake Mix. Over 40 million pancakes served to date! *
*Approximate number of pancakes served by qualifying organizations since 2007 under the Krusteaz® Fundraiser Program.
How the program works:
Serve up Krusteaz® pancakes at your community-based fundraiser! Eligible organizations such as community service organizations, schools, public charities, hospitals, religious organizations, amateur sports teams, and social welfare organizations seeking to raise funds from the general public to support charitable causes can qualify for the Krusteaz® Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser Program. Private clubs, businesses and individuals do not qualify for this program. Fundraisers benefiting only one individual or family do not qualify for this program. There is a refund limit of $100 per year, per entity.
Step 1
Purchase Krusteaz® Pancake Mix (3.5 lb. or larger).
Note: Each 10 lb. bag serves about 90 people (3 pancakes per serving).
Step 2
Within 60 days of your breakfast event, fill out the below form and attach images of your sales receipt and UPC code(s) from the package(s) of pancake mix you used for the event.
Step 3
Continental Mills will reimburse your organization 50% of the purchase price of Krusteaz® Pancake Mix used – up to $100 in a single year across all of your organization’s events. (Any sales tax must be paid by the organization.)
Step 4
Share your event photos! We’d love to see photos of your pancake breakfast fundraiser, so tag us @Krusteaz or use hashtag #KrusteazGivesBack
Plan your pancake event
We provide free resources and tools to help you spread the word and make your fundraiser more exciting and successful.
Every time you pick up a box of Krusteaz®, you can feel good knowing that a portion of our profits goes to help charitable causes close to our hearts.

Boys & Girls Club of America
We’re partnering with Boys & Girls Club of America to combat food insecurities across the country. Our “Feeding Great Futures” partnership includes support for food security-related programming in clubs across the nation with additional support for clubs near our company locations in Kansas, Kentucky and Washington.

Feeding America, Food Lifeline and Hometown Community Food Banks
Food banks provide a vital role in getting warm meals to people who need them. During the pandemic, we partnered with Feeding America, a national hunger relief organization, to provide a million meals to food banks and meal programs. In the Pacific Northwest, we work with Food Lifeline to provide product and financial donations. We also work with food banks in our local hometown communities including Manhattan, Kansas; Hopkinsville, Kentucky; Effingham, Illinois and Tukwila, Washington.

Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission
For many years, our Seattle-area employees have served quarterly Krusteaz® pancake breakfasts to people experiencing homelessness. We also make annual contributions of oatmeal, baking mixes and financial support.

Camp Korey
Krusteaz® is a longtime supporter of Camp Korey, an organization that creates empowering programs for children dealing with life-altering medical conditions, completely free of charge.

Special Olympics of Washington
Krusteaz® proudly supports the Special Olympics of Washington and their goal of changing the lives of people with intellectual disabilities. Krusteaz® provides funding, coupons and pancake mix for the springtime Breakfast of Champions and the fundraising event in the fall.